Adding Conditions to Validation Rules

At least one Condition must be added to validate the Rule which is being applied to the workflow step.

  1. From the Rule Editor window, click Add Condition.
    Result: A new row is added to the Condition section.

  1. Select a Left Value:
    Option Definition

    Select a Field

    The Select a Field option will launch the Fields list of the Entity which is attached the Rule. Double left click to select the field.

    Insert a Formula

    The Insert a Formula option will launch the Formula Editor to enter a Function and attach any appropriate field to the Function. See Configuring Formulas.

  1. Select an Operator.
  2. Select a Right Value (Select a Field, Insert a Formula, or Enter a Value).
  3. Select a Relational Operator (And, Or).
  4. Select a Child Row Modifier.

See Also

Configuring Formulas



Monday, September 16, 2019
9:52 AM